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Vertigo Consultation

Vertigo Consultation


Vertigo Syndrome/Vertigo is directly related to imbalance and the illusion of movement that occurs suddenly. Typically, what we feel is a constant spinning motion, giving us the sensation that our body and/or the surrounding environment is rotating. However, it can also manifest as a sensation of sliding up and down or side to side.


Vertigo can result from an inner ear injury affecting its peripheral receptors. Blurred vision, slurred speech, uncoordinated movements, or loss of strength in the upper and lower limbs can be directly related to vertigo symptoms caused by neurological brain disorders, rather than an ear problem.

It can also cause nausea and vomiting, ear disturbances (tinnitus), dizziness, migraines, pallor, deafness or temporary hearing loss, and even fainting. Episodes of vertigo can last minutes, hours, or days. In such cases, it is crucial to avoid situations where falls might occur, as vertigo can sometimes be debilitating, preventing the person from working or even leaving the house.

Vertigo can be manifested due to the intake of medications such as antibiotics, infections or inflammations, visual problems, anxiety, and even trauma and strokes. In some cases, alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine can worsen vertigo episodes.

However, vertigo can be confused with dizziness, making its evaluation diagnostically complex. Therefore, anyone experiencing these symptoms should seek a Vertigo Consultation. The doctor may perform tests on the patient's auditory and nervous systems, as well as conduct some tests to determine the cause, namely a  videonystagmography.

Regarding treatment, not all cases require specific therapy, vertigo can sometimes resolve spontaneously. However, there are maneuvers that can control it, such as using anti-inflammatory medications or vestibular rehabilitation surgeries. Vertigo predominantly occurs in women over 65 or pregnant women due to hormonal changes.


The Vertigo Consultation at Grupo HPA Saúde aims to diagnose and treat peripheral vestibular disorders (vertigo related to ear disease). Diagnosis and repositioning of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV, “inner ear crystals”) can be performed.

The main conditions treated by Grupo HPA Saúde are Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), vestibular neuritis/neuronitis, and Ménière’s disease.


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